Hi All! How's it going? My week is whizzing by at full speed ahead! I've been in the studio allllllll day cranking out projects as fast as my little fingers can fly. I need you to cut me some slack this week though.....I just didn't have time to make a project for this week's color challenge. However, there are LOTS of great projects In the Spotlight this week, so be sure and click the links below to check out these girls' projects if you're looking for some inspiration!
As for me, I'm headed back to the studio in just a bit....gonna be a late night. I've got a couple of busy, busy days ahead. There are quite a few reasons for this, but more about all of that in the days to come. ;)
In the meantime, check out who's In the Spotlight this week.....
A. Amy O.
B. Cammie M.
C. Elise
D. Jennifer Holmes
E. Joanne Basile
F. Kera Simpson
G. Kim J.
H. Laura Bassen
I. Lee
J. Lisa Henke
K. Natascha
L. Rosemarie Diehl
M. Ruth M.
N. Terri E.
O. Travelingmama
Oh, and just a head's up -- you might want to pop back in tomorrow. There just might be a little occasion worth celebrating and a {BIG} giveaway here tomorrow! *WINK!*