Hello Lovies.....
I have a few random bits of this and that to share with you today as I'm preparing for tonight's first Countdown post with peeks at my new stamp set. But until that post goes up tonight, I thought I'd share a few other things with you that I've been saving up for you. First up, how about that pretty picture above? That beauty is a Sand Cherry bush and it's in our backyard. I must confess that even though it's been there for years, this is the first time that I really noticed just how PINK it is so I meandered out to the back of our property line with my trusty Nikon to take a few photos. Such a pretty bush.
And on my way back from the far reaches of our yard, I couldn't help but snap this photo for you. Know what that tree is? That's our beloved Autumn Blaze Maple and it may not look like much right now but just you wait! You know what I see when I look at this tree? I see life. I see new growth. I see hope and the promise of what's to come. I can't wait to see what this lovely does, come fall. She'll be gorgeous. I just know she will. :)
I passed the tree on my way to snap a couple photos in the front yard....
This is our Purple Leaf Plum tree and it's basically the same variety as the Sand Cherry bush in our backyard.....it's just that this is the tree version. It's blooms are a bit more white than the Sand Cherry bush....and a little less pink, but pretty none-the-less, wouldn't you say?
Goodness.....spring has definitely sprung here in the midwest. See my little tulips in the front flower bed, waving a hello??
And just look at THIS delicious photo!! My hottie hubs came home from work yesterday with these little gems!! We have a brand new cupcake shop right by our house and we've been saying since before it opened that we needed to pop in and give 'em a try. So yesterday, Bartley decided to just pop in and bring some home as a fun surprise! I love surprises. Have I ever told you that?
That's his "Snowball Cupcake" on the left. He's a coconut kinda guy. And that's my
"Decadent Chocolate" on the right. He knows me so well. Just in case you need a closer look......
Does that cupcake not look aMAzing???? For the record, it was! When they said "decadent", they weren't kidding around. It was perfection. And perhaps the most moist cupcake I've ever had. Wow. To say that I can't wait to go back is a slight (huge) understatement. I can't wait. :)
Thank you, sweet husband of mine.
Before I go, I have a few books to recommend.
A Shred of Evidence by Kathy Herman -- Great mystery. I've read lots of Kathy Herman's books and I've never been disappointed. They're always suspenseful and they always keep me on the edge of my seat. This one is the first in a series and I really need to get the other three!
Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark -- Another great mystery. This one had me guessing and guessing as to what was gonna happen, right up until the end. Love that. And hate it a little too! LOL. The super sleuth in me thought I had it all figured out and then blam-o.....another plot twist! Anyway, I've read lots of Mindy's books as well and have always enjoyed them.
Screen Play by Chris Coppernoll -- I finally got off the mystery kick and read this one and really enjoyed it. This the first book I've ready by Chris Coppernoll so I didn't know what to expect, but it was a great story about love and dreams and the Broadway stage. I liked it. :)
And one more....Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. This is a book that has been around for years and I have to tell you, the original cover, back in the day, was not this pretty. Ha. Yes, I sometimes judge a book by it's cover and the first cover that this book came out with just didn't appeal to me. People recommended this book to me for years and I always passed it up. But then they updated the cover and it started to look a little more appealing. Finally when I was at the Christian bookstore before our Australia trip, I bought this book. And I read it. And I loved it.
Now, I have to tell you that some parts of this book were hard to read. The book is set in the mid 1800's and the main character of the story was sold into prostitution at the tender age of 8. To read of the unspeakable atrocities that she faced even as a child were quite heart-wrenching. The book doesn't go into any really graphic details or anything like that....it's not that kind of a book. But just to know that things like this really did and still do happen.....well that's tough to read and to realize. However, this is a story of God's unfailing love for us.....His redeeming love and how He brought her thru such tragedy to the life she'd not even allowed herself to dream of. It is a BEAUTIFUL story and one that I'm so glad I finally took the time to read. I'd highly recommend it.
And one more order of business before I go.....I just want to say thank you to my sweet reader, Irene Talaasen, who sent me a sweet gift in the mail. It's so fun to go to the post office and check my post office box. It may be empty most days, but then there are days like yesterday when I find a treasure tucked into the box from one of you Dearies. Thank you, Irene, for your thoughtful gift. I so appreciate it and I can't wait to bust into that box of chocolates! Ha!
Hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend. Bart and I are off to have birthday dinner with my Grandma tonight and maybe we'll even squeeze in a game of Uno or Skip-Bo. :)
I'll be back here tomorrow (technically midnight EST tonight) with my first Countdown post so hopefully I'll see ya then!