Hi-ya, Peeps! Just a quickie update to let you know that all is well here at the McVey ranch. I've started getting email asking if I'm all right so I figured I'd just post a reply here. We're doing quite well.....we're just super busy. I've got several design deadlines this week including the biggest one of the year as we prepare for 2011!! (Can you believe it's just around the corner?!!)
SO....Shirley (my computer) and I are pretty much attached at the hip these days. Well, technically not "at the hip", cause that'd be kind of an awkward way to try and design anything......but you know what I mean. :)
I'll be back as soon as I can to post pictures from our niece's wedding -- I know some of you are anxious to see them. (It was wonderful! COLD and rainy, but wonderful just the same.) And, it's almost time for the Papertrey Senior Design Team challenge, so stay tuned for that too!
In the mean time, what's up with YOU?? I'd love to hear!