Hey there, Peeps.....I've got a fun new feature I'll be sharing with you here at the blog-o. It's no secret that I love old movies and I know that some of them are perhaps ones that you haven't ever seen or heard of, or perhaps you just haven't thought about them in years, so I figured I'd share some of those beloved old movies with you here! Whether you rent them, hunt them down on Netflix, buy them or check them out at the library (for free - yay!), there are a world of fabulous old movies out there, just waiting to be seen! And since it's the holiday season and hopefully you're getting to squeeze in some time with your loved ones, it's the perfect time to pop in an old movie and watch it together!
For today, I thought we'd kick off this new feature with a couple of my all-time favorites. I'm sure for most of you, these will be totally obvious choices....most of you have probably seen these many times. But if we're starting with my favorites, we have to start with these.
If you haven't seen these, please please, find them and watch them! They're classics. They're wonderful. They have singing and dancing and happy endings. They're awesome. Trust me.
The Sound of Music starring Julie Andrews
Singin' in the Rain starring Gene Kelly
Stay tuned for more Movie Magic posts.....there's a world of fabulous old movies out there, just waiting to be viewed!