Hi there!! There's a great big blog post over at the Crate Paper Blog today, that you just might want to check out. ;)
I was asked to be the Guest Designer over at Crate Paper for April and I have been soooo excited for today to come, so that I could finally tell you all about it!! I was so happy when the crazy-talented Christine over at Crate asked me if I'd be the Guest Designer (how could I say no to THAT?!!) and was over the moon when that box full of Crate Paper's newest product lines arrived on my doorstep! Talk about a FUN mail day!
I'm not kidding when I say that these newest Crate Paper lines are some of my favorites ever! The colors. The details. GAH!
I didn't waste any time whipping up some cards with those new goodies, and while I've got 5 cards for you to see over at the Crate blog today, that's only just the beginning. I'll be sharing more with you in the days to come because I can't seem to get enough of the luscious colors and patterns and textures on all of these Crate goodies!
Are these little sneakity peeks whetting your appetite just a bit?
Are you curious to see these cards in their entirety?
Head over to the Crate Paper blog to see these cards in full -- there are lots more photos for you to see, plus you can learn how I put them together and perhaps even learn a bit more about me while you're there. :)
Go ahead......pop over to Crate. I'll wait right here for you. Then, come back and let me know what you thought! Ha.
Happy Friday! And Happy Easter Weekend!
P.S. Thank you again, to Christine and all of those at Crate Paper that made it possible for me to work with you this month. It was a joy and I'm extremely grateful!