Hello there.....just popping in with a card that was published in the April issue of CARDS Magazine. I kinda like that fluffy felt flower. :)
See the original post for the complete supply list.
And now I'd like to tell you the story of the wisteria. It's not a long story. It's not even a story with an ending yet. Well.....you'll see what I mean.
Remember the other day how I told you that we've enjoyed adding various perennials to our yard over the years? Well this wisteria is one of them. We planted it maybe 6 or 7 years ago. This is the wisteria a few weeks ago.
And the above photo is the wisteria just as it was starting to leaf out last week.
Here is the wisteria today.
And this is it from the other side of the fence. As you can see, it's huge! It's green and lush and full of leaves. Every year. Just leaves. No blooms. Are you seeing a problem here? Wisteria are supposed to be overflowing with blooms! Flowers! Now, I've done a bit of research and I know that it takes years before a wisteria will bloom but I figured I'd come to you, dear readers, because you are a wealth of information. Do you have a wisteria? How long before yours bloomed? If it's going to bloom, would it be doing it already or does that come later in the spring/summer? I've read that possibly it's getting too much nitrogen or maybe it's just not old enough yet. One website said it takes about 6 years for a wisteria to be mature enough to bloom while another site said it could take up to 15 years?! Do you know anything about them? Care to help a girl out and share your wisteria knowledge with us here in the comments section? (That way everyone can benefit, in case others are having the same trouble.)
Will this be the year that the wisteria finally blooms??? THAT, my friends, is the big question over here. You can be sure that if it happens this year.....if the wisteria finally, after all these years, starts blooming.....I will be dancing a jig out in the yard in between snapping photos of those blessed blooms. I hope, I hope, I hope....