We're still in California for a couple more days, but I have a few photos to share with you today from around our yard. I've tweeted these in the past couple weeks so they may look familiar to some of you, but they were too pretty not to share here at the blog-o.
The above photo is some humongous hosta in our back yard that's currently blooming up a storm.
We've also had a few other really late bloomers like this one....a clematis.....
.....and this rose bush.....
I also managed to snap this piccie of a gorgeous butterfly with shimmering blue on it's wings, while outside waiting on Win the other day. I couldn't believe how close it let me get to it!
And of course, we've finally been enjoying lots of these.......delicious heirloom tomatoes right off the vine! YUM. Tomato sandwiches, tomato salads, sliced tomatoes.......it's all good! At the end of the season, I'll give you the full run-down on which of the 5 varieties performed the best for us, and our favorites in terms of flavor and such, in case you want to plant some yourself next year!
Hope you're having a great day!