Windsor would like to say, "hello, dear readers". With the help of my trusty photog. assistant (Bartley), we were able to get a few good shots of Win yesterday. Just look at that sweet face. :)
I can't even believe how fast he's growing. It seems that he's lost most of that "puppy face" and now he looks like a mini version of a big dog. Ha. He gets sweeter and sweeter, with each passing day. My favorites are the days/moments when his teething mouth isn't bothering him and he becomes a little lovey-dovey boy. He's 5 months old now and while he's still just a little baby to me (I use the term "little" quite loosely), he's now almost the equivalent of a 5-year old in people years. Crazy.
We've been going to our local elementary school for both the parent drop-off and parent pick-up action the last few days. It seems if we go in the afternoon, some of the kids want to pet him and he ends up getting to interact with kids, parents and even another dog now and then which he, of course, loves.
We're also working on teaching him to fetch the paper and bring it to us. He's a champ at fetching the paper. He's just not that interested in bringing it to us and handing it over! Haha. Silly puppy.
What a sweetie-head. He just wanted to pop in and say HI! If he could greet you in person, I assure you, he would. Gladly! Haha.....labs are such social dogs.
Have a goodie!