Hi there! Time for another installment of My Favorite Things! First up are a couple of items from Anthropologie.....I spotted these Capri Blue Candle-in-a-Jars clear across the store not long ago and made a bee-line to get to them as fast as I could. I can't even describe to you how pretty the color is in real life....but I think I said to my bestie on the phone something like, "It might well be the prettiest green I've ever seen in my whole entire life". I'm not dramatic or anything. :) And when Bartley finally caught up to me in the store, I think I said to him as I was taking the lid off to smell the candle, "Even if this smells like dirt, I still want it!" LOL. Fortunately, it doesn't smell like dirt. Not even a little. It smells really good, in fact. But even when the candle is gone, this beautiful jar will live on forever and that seemed like a really good reason to buy this candle. I tweeted this picture the day I bought the candle and said in the tweet, sometimes you just have to buy it because it's pretty. Sometimes you do.
Sometimes you also have to buy it because it's the cutest thing you've ever seen, like in the case of these Farmer's Market Baskets, also from Anthropologie. You've been getting glimpses of this little guy in quite a few of my photos since I bought it a few months back. It makes a great prop. It's just so darn cute. In fact, I've gotten quite a few inquiries about this little berry basket since I started using it in photos so I figured it was high time I shared the link to it here.
This next favorite of mine is totally free! It's this make-up video that Kristina shared with me on Twitter the other day. I didn't have all of the exact make-up goodies she used in the video, but I made do with what I had on hand and I LOVE how it looked! I wore this look two days in a row, just because I felt so glam! Ha. Wait....let me clarify.....I did wash my face both days. I mean, I didn't just wear the same cruddy make-up two days in a row. I did wash my face and reapply for day 2. You knew that's what I meant, right? Good. Glad we got that cleared up.
And while we're on the subject of make-up, how about this favorite (have I already shared this one?)....the Naked2 Palette by Urban Decay. She did use this palette in the video above and I have to say, this is a great go-to palette for every day wear. So many great neutrals and they all work well together, so you almost don't even have to think about it when you're doing your eyes every day!
I suppose with all these shopping links, I should give you some crafty links too, huh? ;) How cute are these new Studio Calico badges? Wouldn't they make cute flower centers?!
Lots and lots of hot-off-the-presses new Studio Calico goodies are starting to hit several online retailers! Some of these goodies are on their way to me, as we speak. I can't wait to start playing!
See new Studio Calico products at Two Peas
See new Studio Calico products at Ellen Hutson
See new Studio Calico products at Studio Calico
I noticed that all three of these stores have a few different items so be sure to check them all out.
I got a package of these teal/green Say It In Crystals by Prima, in a recent Studio Calico kit and fell in looooove with them.....and now I kinda want them in every color they make! Ha. These colors, in real life, are just so vibrant and well......gahhhh.....clearly this post is brought to you by the colors teal, aqua and turquoise! I obviously have a bit of a color theme on the brain at the moment! LOL.
All right, I'd better pack it in for tonight. Bart's been watching the big basketball game while I've been blogging, but the game just ended so I guess that means it's time to hit the hay.
I hope you've enjoyed this installment of My Favorite Things! Do you have any of these items and love them? I'd love to hear what you think!
Edited to Add: I've had a couple of you ask....the Prima crystals came in the Happy Little Moments kit from Studio Calico last month! HTH!