Good morning and happy Stamp-a-Faire day!!
Today is Papertrey Ink's official Stamp-a-Faire 2012 -- the online paper-crafting event of the year, and the best part is it's all FREE! The day will be filled with online tutorials and challenges, prizes and more. To read all about the event, and to see the first videos of the day (including the Opening Ceremonies video!), head over to Nichole Heady's blog. She'll have videos and much more posted every couple of hours all day long! I've got lots of posts to share with you right here, as well, starting with this ribbon techniques video!
Several design team members have put together tutorials to share with you for this first challenge of the day, all showcasing different types of ribbon techniques. We get lots of questions about how to tie the elusive "perfect bow", so I've got tips for that as well as tying a pretty little knot. Watch my video to see how I tie my bows & knots, and how I made this card as well.
When you're done, head over to Nichole's blog where you can see all the other tutorials. Choose one of the ribbon techniques that you'd like to use, make a card using that technique and get entered to win a prize!! We can't wait to see what you come up with!
I'll be back in a few hours with my next tutorial!
Until then, have funnnnn!!!