First off, let me just thank you all profusely for the plethora of pot roast and crock pot tips and recipes you've shared with me via the comments section on the previous post and thru my email!! I knew you were the ones to go to for advice and I appreciate each bit of it. If you haven't had a chance yet, feel free to share! The other great thing about sharing your pot roast/crock pot knowledge with me, is that you've shared with each other. I've loved reading how some of you are learning tips and tricks from each other, by reading the comments left on the previous post!
What I'm figuring out is that I could have seared the meat first, but at the very least, I think I didn't cook it long enough, and/or my crock pot may not cook hot enough on low. Next time, I think I'll cook it on high for 2-3 hours first, and then lower the heat. I am determined. I WILL master an amazing pot roast one day. Mark my words!!
Secondly, a couple of you inquired as to whether I remember who gave us the crock pot for our wedding 11 1/2 years ago, OR if the crock pot giver is a reader of my blog!! LOL. Well, I hadn't thought of that, but thanks! Haaa! And so, of course, now I have to know. I'm running into our bedroom and pulling out the wedding album where we have a list of all the gifts we were given. I'll be right back.....hold for just a moment, please.....
Ok, so I'm back and it turns out, the crock pot came from a sweet lady we went to church with years ago. I haven't seen her in probably 8 or 9 years, so I'm doubting she reads my blog. Hahaha. But talk about the gift that keeps on giving....if she only knew, her wedding gift is a blessing to us 11 years later! :) (Way to put a positive spin on it, right? Heeee!)
And lastly, I would like to point out that I tweeted a few months back that this is THE YEAR -- the year I was going to learn to knit, cook my first pot roast, and use my crock pot for the first time! With yesterday's crock-pot pot roast, I'm now three for three on my THIS IS THE YEAR tweet!! Haaaa! Go me!
Hmmm....what should I tackle next???? :)