Hello there, dearies. I have to say that I am once again so moved by your kindness....so touched by your thoughtfulness....so blessed by your concern for us and so grateful for each and every kind word and tip and bit of encouragement you've shared with me regarding my previous post. You're all so good to me and I want you to know how grateful I am for you. I enjoyed "sharing a coffee" with each of you....we should do that more often. Next time, I'll put on the tea kettle as well....sounds like some of you would prefer it. ;)
I thought for today, I'd share a few photos with you that make me smile. :) All photo credit for today's photos goes to my beautiful friend who I go to church with, am in a new Bible study group with, who I sing on the worship team at church with, and who is an absolute dear.....Marissa Cribbs Photography.
So this little man is growing by leaps & bounds....every time I see him he's bigger than he was the last time. My friend, Marissa, took these photos of the little peanut a few weeks ago. Here he is in a button-up....just like his daddy. :)
Ahh....my beautiful sister and her precious boy.
And some smoochies from his mama and daddy.....just look at that squishy little face in the middle! I've kissed those cheeks more than a few times myself. Can't seem to get enough!
Thank you again for each and every comment you've left for me in the last day or so. Some of you made me smile. Some made me laugh and some even made me tear up (but in the best way). Thank you! And thank you for all the gluten free tips too -- I appreciate those!! I wish I had time to respond to each of you individually! I did want to say, for those of you that were wondering, Garrett's Popcorn (which you know we LOVE) IS gluten free! Hurray! And yes, some gelato is gluten free as well. Haha! It's the little things, right?
Also, now that I've been getting back on the elliptical, I'm already down a pound and a half or so. Woohoo! (And a special thanks to Windsor for not eating any random household items while I'm downstairs working out.
It's snowing today, so Windsor is super happy (and pretty feisty too)! That boy loooves the snow!
I'm working on blog posts today....lots of fun stuff to share in the days ahead!
Hope you're having a great day!