For Halloween this year, we had a visit from a certain little cowboy who couldn't have been cuter! The picture is a little blurry because said cowboy is rarely still for longer than .05 seconds, but you get the idea. Cute, right? (I can say that and it's not bragging since I'm just his aunt, right? Haha!)
As for today, we said goodbye to our lead pastor and his wife, who are moving to Ohio to take a position as senior pastors there and while we're so happy for them and the direction God is leading them, goodness but we're sad for us. Did you ever have a pastor that you just really connected with and really felt like you grew in your walk with God because of the things you learned from their sermons? That's how Bartley and I felt about Pastor Steve & Erin. They're young and would probably tell you that they felt inadequate so many times, to be in the position that they were in, but God really used them to bless us over the last 7 years or so. Steve's sermons were the perfect mix of Bible content and practical application in our every day lives, and were communicated in such a way that kept everyone interested and engaged. We'll miss them so much!
I also found out today, that my favorite little yarn/craft store in town is closing. Sad. So sad. I've often shared pictures here and on instagram, of Urban Arts & Crafts, so some of you may remember me talking about it. I know it's the same way in a lot of places....dear little mom & pop shops closing up. I can totally understand the why of it -- I get that prices are cheaper other places sometimes and we shop where we're gonna get the best deal and all that, but gosh it's sad when an adorable little shop like that closes up, isn't it? I bet quite a few of you have had the same experience, with a favorite store closing.
Anyway, even in the midst of having a bit of a heavy heart today because of these losses (great and small), I couldn't resist sharing this happy little picture of "Benjiboo" with you. (Poor baby has more pet names than he can shake a stick at! Haha!)
Also, it's gorgeous here today, if not insanely windy! The leaves are falling like crazy now. In fact, Bartley is outside mowing/mulching them up as I write this. We had a fun outing yesterday, to our local cider mill and had our monthly baby bump photo shoot with Benji's mama & dad. I'll share photos of all of that in the next few days if I can, but stay tuned tomorrow, for some pictures from my brother's wedding!
I hope you don't mind me catching you up on all of our most recent events, with lots of family posts!
Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!
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